By Stephanie Simons,
Head Pharmacist,
Lindo’s Pharmacy in Devonshire

Traditionally, no Bermudian worth their salt would go swimming until May 24. Nowadays, folks have mellowed – or should that be, become braver? – about going overboard before then.

However, the long holiday weekend is still the official start of summer for many of us, with all that entails: whether it’s boating, a beach party, or just a barbecue in the backyard.

But are you ready?


We all know the importance of protecting our skin against harmful UV (ultraviolet) rays – no more basting and turning. Most dermatologists recommend you apply a product with at least an SPF of 30; and go higher (SPF 40 or 50) if you’ve not been in the sun for a while, have sensitive skin, or are going to be in or on the water, where reflection will increase your chances of burning. Children will also need stronger sun protection.

Check to make sure your old sunscreen is still fit for purpose. It should last for three years – good brands will have an expiration date somewhere on the packaging. Pitch anything that’s past that limit or arouses suspicion – is it a funny colour? Does it smell weird or look strange? – toss it to be safe.

Finally, make sure you’ve got enough. Experts recommend you use 1oz (that’s a shot glass full) of lotion or cream on your face and body with each application. And you will need to reapply, in many cases, after you’ve been in the water.

Speaking of which, if you’re going to be swimming, it makes sense to use a Reef Safe brand of sunscreen like Land Shark and Blue Lizard. Protect yourself – and protect our beautiful marine life, too.

Remember: don’t be afraid to ask our team of pharmacists to recommend a brand to suit you – and your needs.


So, you’ve used sunscreen but – for whatever reason – you’ve still got burnt. What to do?

If your sunburn is severe – if your skin is blistering, you feel shivery, have a headache, feel nauseous, or all of the above – you need to seek medical advice at once.

For a mild sunburn, though, the pharmacy can help. Doctors recommend taking frequent cool showers or baths to lessen the discomfort, before smoothing on a moisturiser containing aloe vera or soy. This will trap water and lessen the dryness (which speeds the recovery time) and will also soothe the pain. Two good brands to try are SolRx and Land Shark.

You might also want to apply a 1 per cent hydrocortisone cream (available without prescription) for a short time, to reduce swelling and redness. Again, check with our helpful pharmacists, who can suggest options.


You’ve had a beautiful, Bermudaful May 24th. You applied your sunscreen dutifully, and after a day of swimming, or snorkelling, or water-skiing, you have that marvellous, sun-kissed glow. But, less marvellously, you’ve got salt water in your ears. Resist the urge to stick a cotton bud in your ear to clear it (while we do stock them, they are better served for other purposes, like applying or removing make-up). Instead, ask the Lindo’s pharmacy team for some alcohol-based eardrops, to help dry out your ear canal, safely. We stock several good brands including Swim Ear and Dri Ear. It’s worth having a bottle on hand if you’re going to be spending a lot of time at the beach or the pool this summer. Hear, hear to that!

Stephanie Simons is the head pharmacist at Lindo’s Pharmacy in Devonshire. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and has been practicing for over 20 years. She is a registered pharmacist with the Bermuda Pharmacy Council and is a member of the Bermuda Pharmaceutical Association.

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